RockYou FXText

Thursday, July 9, 2009


During Week 9 of Term 2, we had a visit from our local firemen. The children had been learning about being Firewise, and to finish it off, we had a visit by the firemen to our school. The firemen were most impressed by the children's knowledge of fire safety!!
  • The children know that matches and lighters are tools and NOT TOYS. If they find any of these, they will give them to an adult.
  • The children know in a fire to: GET DOWN, KEEP LOW, GET OUT, CALL 111!!
  • The children know safe ways in which fire can be used: a screen in front of an open fire, a wide based candle holder, keeping away from barbeques.
We loved having the firemen at our school. We practiced crawling under "smoke" to get out of the classroom.
Enjoy our pictures.